We’ll use our website to keep residents and businesses up-to-date about preparations and relevant information before, during and after the Gulf storms. HCMUD 136 will keep people apprised of issues affecting the delivery of services. Although we don’t anticipate service interruptions, they can happen during a significant natural climate event. MOC is taking steps to exercise our backup generators should they be needed, so we’re about as prepared as we can be. Given the presence of 2 named storms arriving within a day or so of each other, we need to take precautions to protect our property and that of our neighbors’ by stowing possible wind-driven items and cleaning curbs and storm sewer inlets adjacent to your property so flood water can drain. This isn’t being forecast as a major flooding event but there can be intermittent street flooding which is exacerbated by clogged storm inlets. HCFCD has cleared the drainage channel grate in Deerfield, which should allow for maximum drainage off our properties. Keep in mind though that localized flooding can affect your home from a poorly graded lot or built up soil banks adjacent to your slab. This type of flooding is wholly within your control so please take steps to make sure the front, back, and side of your property drain to the street or rear lot line. For conditions relative to your neighborhood contact your MUD district or HOA for updates. Stay safe.